
Friday, March 7, 2014

Brain talks

My eight year old son told me on the way home from his Brain Balance session last night, "My right brain and my left brain are talking to each other."  Of course, I had to ask further, "What are they saying?"  He responded, "My right brain asked my left brain if we could make a train track in the back yard."

It looks like someone is becoming aware of his thoughts. :-)

Thoughts at a Missionary's farewell

As I sat at church listening to a young man's remarks on missionary work before he sets off to serve as a missionary, the moment became a springboard for the following thoughts that came to me:

Faith is the ACTION OF TRUSTING.  It is how you show your trust. Our challenge is to have faith in God and prove to Him that we trust Him. (The world wants us to trust it; Satan seeks to divert our trust away from God and redirect it towards anything else.)

Preach my gospel:
Make the principles of the gospel personally meaningful (by making them yours) before you teach them. How can you fill up someone else's spiritual cup when yours isn't filled? You give only what you have, what you own.

Open your mouth. It stretches and shows your faith.

As a missionary, you are challenging people to apply principles and doctrines into their other words, you are helping them make gospel principles THEIRS.  THEY OWN IT.  AND THEN THEY ACT ON IT. As a representative of Christ, you become a light that people must desire and choose to reflect. 

THIS HAS BEEN HEAVENLY FATHERS CHALLENGE TO US AS MEMBERS OF HIS CHURCH AND TO ALL OF HIS CHILDREN: for us to make His teachings, his manner, his ways, his culture, his plan, and ultimately....his will...ours. He does this by giving us the     "opportunity to act" on what we have been taught/presented.

People are hungry and long to be exposed to the truth and the light of God. Feed them the good; satisfy their hunger with goodness and truth...and FILL THEM...and their desires for anything else will fade.

Go and pray on what you should do. When you receive an answer, you'll have an idea on what to do. This is the Lord's invitation for you to act...and it's up to you to do it or not. Show faith by doing it.

Parents: we need to cultivate a culture of praying for guidance, of seeking answers in the scriptures, of  "immersing" our family in the things of God, of teaching our family to seek God for answers while working to solve those problems, of listening to and following the Spirit, and of showing our families how to do all these things.

Mothers: in the process of nurturing children...
- fertilize them by feeding the word of God.
- stimultate them to grow their roots by showing them how the words of God work in your life as well as by encouraging them pray for guidance and to act on the impressions they receive.
- instill their confidence in you by keeping your toolkit of the scriptures, your praying, your testimony, and your demonstration of faith in good working order and spiritual condition. They will use your "toolkit" as a guide (stakes, if you will) to grow on and build for themselves.

If Christ appeared before you now...

If Christ made his appearance to the world now, and it just so happened that you are there in person to witness it, and he notices you and walks toward you, how would you act towards him?